Friday, February 1, 2008

Summary of "They've Gotta Keep It: People Who Save Everything" by Lynda W. Warren and Jonnae C. Ostrom

The article is about the pack rats. The writers tell that pack rats is the people who collect, save or hoard insatiably , often with only the vague rationale that the items may someday be useful. Pack rats are different from collectors. Although pack rats collect, they are different from collectors, who save in a systematic way. Collectors usually specialize in one of a few classes of objects, which they are organize, display and even catalogue. But pack rats tend to stockpile their possessions haphazardly and seldom use them. Why do some people continue to save when there is no space for what they have and they own more of something? These are the reason: possible future need, potential value, sentimental attachment, and lack of wear or damage. I have experience of pack rats, I saved many kind of things that I did not use anymore. I did not throw them away because I was afraid that sometime I will need them. The things that I saved are the shoes boxes, plastic bags, and a pile of newspaper.

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